I chose to talk about the incident with Donald Trump’s
rally and protesters acting like animals, for lack of a better word. The logical
part of me says we cannot act like this as a society, as a nation of young
people who oppose this man both vocally and quietly, our only option is to protest
this idiot of a man. But then there’s the part of me that is so fed up with
these acts of blatant racism and outlandish comments, that feels yes we should
do whatever it is we can to get him out of this running. Everything in life
should be thought through logistically but in this case I’m not so sure we can
put any sense of reasoning into this man or get him to change his views, so why
is it that we should be so rational when this man has done nothing that would
lead me to believe he’s sane.
speaking I think we shouldn’t have to stoop to Trump’s level in order to gain
attention and be heard. We as a society should have more common sense than to
break through barricades or shove police officers. With everything we’ve seen
in the media lately I still do not think it is completely right to hate all cops
or all form of author because personally that’s not how I was raised and I’m
sure my classmates or many other young minds. We cannot act as vigilantes,
taking authority and justice into our own hands, there is a system in place for
a reason and if we do not like the system than we should do more to change it
without resorting to violence. We as clear minded young people should rise
above this man’s petty hate and continue to pursue justice in our own way
without being violent but productive.
with logic in mind is the reason I cannot sit here and say being passive is the
complete answer. How can we sit out here and protest when all the media wants
is for protesters to act out so they can get attention but why is it that quiet
protesters do not get the same acknowledgement? I am not saying that acting
like savages will get us any further in our endeavors of getting Trump out of
the race and may very well be fuel to the fire but in the same sense can you
honestly say that if protesters stay quiet that this man is just going to give
up? He is an evil, tyrannical, occult-leading, hatemonger that is gaining
attention from all those who could not openly say the things he has without
being hanged. How can we say that the protesters cannot act out when this
entire time at Trump’s rallies his supporters have been openly abusing people
without any fear of being reprimanded, in this case I say we have to fight fire
with fire. I do know that two wrongs do not make a right but what have we seen
Mr Trump do that is any type of right?